CeBIT: Goobi and MyBib eL®

Margot Rauscher

at the Zeutschel-Booth in Hall 3 Booth H17


In the run-up to the CeBIT, ImageWare – the software manufacturer from Bonn – certified the successful connection of the Zeutschel scanner family OS 12002 and OS 15000 to BCS-2®.

The certification comes after an in-depth testing phase, which also included rigorous testing of the OS 12002 C Advanced connection using Zeutschel's "Perfect Book" software. Beside the OS 12000 and OS 15000 series, the OS 12002 series can now also be integrated into workflow solutions controlled by ImageWare.   

Amongst other things, the high-quality output data resulting from the scan processes can be used as a basis for long-term preservation or for handoff to the workflow system MyBib eDoc® for the electronic document delivery.

A further possible use can take place via the MyBib eL® presentation platform. This allows the option to securely present digital media while conforming with copyright laws, e.g. in the context of collections or secure preparation of in-house publications, technical documents, etc. Not only is Zeutschel able to connect its solutions to Goobi to present copyright-free works, the company is also able to manage and present copyrighted works via the connection with the MyBib eL® counterpart.

CeBIT 2014, Hall 3, Zeutschel Booth H17.

More information at and

About Zeutschel:
With its scanning and microfilm systems, Zeutschel GmbH has played a key role for more than 50 years in the digitisation and digital preservation of valuable documents, both in librarianship and archive management as well as in industrial companies and public administration. The company is the world market leader in book scanners and a trendsetter in the field of microfilm cameras and microfilm scanners. Now, zeta, Zeutschel's multiple award-winning overhead scanner, brings all the advantages of "scanning from above" into the modern office. It has never been so easy, efficient and eco-friendly to digitally copy pages from books, files or balance sheets. The range of software products and accompanying services under the "OSCAR" umbrella brand is extensive and supports libraries and archives in building up digital collections in the internet and in the realisation of digital services. The company founded in 1961, employs 65 members of staff and its products and services are represented in more than 100 countries. All Zeutschel products are "Made in Germany": The complete manufacture and entire research and development activities take place at the company's headquarters in Tübingen-Hirschau.

Zeutschel GmbH, Heerweg 2, 72070 Tübingen, Tel.: +49 (0) 7071 / 9706-0,
Fax: +49 (0) 7071 / 9706-44, E-Mail:; Internet:
Press contact:
Zeutschel GmbH, Margot Rauscher, Tel.: +49 (0) 7071 / 9706-11,
Fax: +49 (0) 7071 / 9706-71, E-Mail:
PR Agency:
neitzel communications, Jürgen Neitzel, Löwenstr. 46a, 70597 Stuttgart, Telefon: +49 (0) 711/ 440 800-63,
Fax: +49 (0) 711/ 440 800-70, E-Mail:

About ImageWare:
ImageWare develops complete solutions for digitisation and preservation of cultural assets. Since the company's foundation in 1995, the Bonn company's software and system portfolio has been continuously expanded. Software solutions focus on the creation, administration and delivery of digitised copies. The workflow system MyBib eDoc® is the hub of these software solutions, it sets the standard for mass digitisation processes, electronic document delivery systems and for catalogue enrichment projects. ImageWare has also developed the BCS-2® software used in digitising, post-processing and electronic publishing of books, journals, maps, etc. and which is a key component in the workflow process. A variety of different scanner types, copy systems and digital cameras can be controlled via a uniform user interface. The results of the scanning process can be seamlessly transferred into the MyBib eDoc® workflow system or presented in MyBib eL®, the electronic reading room.   

ImageWare Components GmbH, Am Hofgarten 20, D 53113 Bonn

Press contact:
Ulrike Holtkamp, Tel. +49 (0) 228/969 85-23, E-Mail:


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